
Militarism is the practice of systematic aggressions enacted by a ruling class to build the social illusions of order and security.

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A Message to Troops, Would-Be Troops, and Other Youth

Know anyone in the military, or thinking about signing up soon? Pass this along to them. They may appreciate it, or not, but they deserve a heads up.

Topics: colonialism, democracy, militarism
Authors: Jeff Patterson
Publisher: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
Date: September 22, 2001

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Alternatives to Police

A guide to building a world without police, in which communities function and thrive without the intervention of the heavy and often deadly hand of the State

Topics: anarchism, introduction, militarism, prisons
Authors: Anonymous
Editors: Missy Rohs, Emily-Jane Dawson
Publisher: Rose City Copwatch, P.O. Box 12353, Portland, OR 97202
Date: 2008

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Anarchy Works - Crime

Paths towards peace and social justice without leveraging power dynamics, domination, or oppression

Topics: anarchism, militarism, police, prisons
Authors: Peter Gelderloos
Publisher: Rise Like Lions

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Burning the Bridges They are Building

Anarchist Strategies Against the Police

Topics: anarchism, history, militarism, police
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Rise Like Lions

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CopWatch Handbook

An Introduction to Citizen Monitoring of the Police

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, militarism, police
Authors: Seattle CopWatch

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Creating Radical Change

Challenging the Mainstream Gay Agenda: On Marriage, Militarism, and Hate Crime Laws

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, gender, lgbtiq, militarism
Authors: Anonymous
Editors: Bash Back Denver

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Death by Regulation

Death by Regulation and A Message from a Death Camp, two essays on 'clean torture' in U.S. prisons

Topics: militarism, prisons
Authors: Eussel Maroon Shoatz
Publisher: Kersplebedeb Printing
Date: May 2008

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Democracy means Police

Democracy doesn’t just mean public participation in making decisions. It presumes that all power and legitimacy is vested in one decision-making structure, and it requires a way to impose those decisions. As long as anyone might defy them, there have to be armed personnel to regulate, to discipline, to control.

Topics: democracy, militarism, posters
Authors: CrimethInc
Publisher: CrimethInc

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Democracy means War

Democracy means constant competition. Just as corporations contend for resources in the marketplace, politicians and governments vie for power. When power is centralized, people have to attain domination over others in order to determine their own destinies. Those in power can only hold onto it by waging war perpetually against their own populations as well as foreign peoples: hence the National Guard troops brought back from Iraq to suppress domestic protests.

Topics: democracy, militarism, posters
Authors: CrimethInc
Publisher: CrimethInc

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Don't Talk to Police or the FBI

The cops and the FBI are not your friends, they are agents of the fascist police state we are opposing.

Topics: direct-action, militarism, posters, protests
Authors: Anonymous

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Excited Delirium

A protestor's guide to less-lethal police weaponry including an introduction to taser-proof jackets. Covers stun guns, tasers, stingers, stun shields, CS gas, CN gas, CR gas, pepper spray, riot guns, sprays, rubber balls, baton rounds, pepperballs, flash bangs, batons, pain rays, LRADs, water cannons, electrified water cannons, dazzlers, and incapacitators.

Topics: direct-action, introduction, militarism, protests
Authors: Anonymous

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GI Revolts

The Breakdown of the U.S. Army in Vietnam

Topics: anarchism, history, militarism
Authors: Richard Boyle
Publisher: Ramparts Press
Date: May, 1973

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Global War for the World Order

The articles in this pamphlet are all translations of articles originally written in German by the communist group Wildcat and deal with various aspects of the “War on Terror”. Despite the sometimes mediocre translations they are well worth making the effort to read because they are some of the best articles about capitalism’s current war spree available. The essence of the argument that runs through all these articles is that the capitalist world order is in crisis and in desperation the response is war, first against Afghanistan and then Iraq. The “War on Terror” is thus an expression of capitalist weakness not strength.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, militarism, theory
Authors: Wildcat
Publisher: Treason Press
Date: March 2, 2004
Sources:, http://wildcat-www.e/en/eindex.htm

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Grand Juries - Tools of Repression

An examination of the grand jury system

Topics: anarchism, democracy, militarism
Authors: Craig Rosebrauch

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Grey September

The unemployed Bengali and the Irish call center worker experience a dispossession and a domination that are basically similar, though never addressed in what they have in common. The September 11, 2001 attack and the ensuing counter-offensive set these two proletarians even further away from each other.

Topics: anarchism, history, militarism
Authors: Gilles Dauvé, Jean Pierre Carasso, Karl Nesic
Date: 2001

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Guns, Cars, Autonomy

On the Finer Points of the Recent Revolt in Ferguson, MO: the St. Louis area has a history of police being shot at, and police are very aware of that. The police know people are armed and willing to shoot. From the beginning of the uprising, rebels made this very clear: one of the first things to happen after they killed Mike Brown was shots being fired into the air.

Topics: anarchism, history, militarism
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Avalanche 3
Date: 2014

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Hold On to Your Humanity

An open letter to GIs in Iraq.

Topics: anarchism, colonialism, health, militarism
Authors: Stan Goff

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Imperialism and the Criminalization of the Palestinian People

As we have seen with historic colonialism, slavery, and apartheid, oppressors manage to vilify and demonize their victims in ordre to keep their regime in place. The smoke-screen created by the American and Israeli government is no different.

Topics: anarchism, class, colonialism, history, militarism, race
Authors: Carol Baker, Shawn O'Hern
Publisher: The Better Days Collective
Date: 2002

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Introduction to the Apocalypse

The apocalypse began with the advent of our current form of life based on industrial production. It is easy to assume that there is no alternative to this form of life, that the way we live in this present moment is simply a reflection of the way things are.

In times of crisis, a space of freedom returns, and the possibility of a rupture with the present opens. History, long banished to dreary scholastic books, returns to us fresh and alive. To push away that which is closest to us, our very form of life, and see it objectively – this might seem impossible. Yet it is not: the first step is to give our form of life a name, to identify it as something finite in time and space, so capable of ending. This perpetual present that has its only favor being the certainty of its own destruction has a name: capitalism

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, militarism, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: IEF Heart

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Liberation or Gangsterism

Freedom or Slavery; an essay on the nature of the Prison Industrial Complex

Topics: class, militarism, prisons, race
Authors: Russel Maroon Shoatz
Publisher: International Prison Books Collective

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Mutinies, A Historical Reader

Despite the media and the respectable leaders of antiwar movements endlessly repeating the lie that US forces withdrew from the Vietnam War due to peaceful protests in the streets of American cities we are not fooled. The US withdrew from Vietnam because it’s military was on the verge of collapse due to widespread desertion, the killing of officers and small-scale mutinies.

Topics: colonialism, history, militarism
Authors: Colonel Robert D. Heinl Jr., Internationlist Communist Group, Kevin Keating
Publisher: Treason Press
Date: 2003

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Neither Their War Nor Their Peace

Anarchist opposition to war is not a pacifist refusal of violence. Rather it is a refusal of militarism-of that system of social relationships founded on hierarchy, obedience, the dismantling of the individual, the quantified perception of the other that allows for indiscriminate killing and the description of those killed as a body count.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, colonialism, militarism, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: After the Fall Distribution and Press

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Olive-Drab Rebels and Harass the Brass

The morale, discipline, and battleworthiness of the U.S. Armed Forces are, with a few salient exceptions, lower and worse than at any time in this century and possibly in the history of the United States. By every conceivable indicator, our army that remains in Vietnam is in a state approaching collapse, with individual units avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers and non-commissioned officers, drug-ridden and dispirited where not near mutinous. Elsewhere than Vietnam the situation is nearly as serious.

Topics: direct-action, history, militarism
Authors: Kevin Keating, Matthew Rinaldi
Publisher: Firestarter Press
Date: 2004

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Policing on the Global Scale

On the relationship between current military operations, crowd control techniques, the technologies of surveillance and control and their increasing intrusion into our daily lives.

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, militarism, police, surveillance
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Productions
Date: February 2003

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Resistance to the 1991 Gulf War

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, history, militarism
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Treason Press

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Resistance, Crisis, Transformation

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, militarism, theory
Authors: Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt

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Revolutions in Reverse

Essays on Politics, Violence, Art, and Imagination

Topics: anarchism, capitalsm, democracy, fascism, militarism, police, theory
Authors: David Graeber
Publisher: Autonomedia

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Security Survival Skills

What they are, why we need them, an how to implement them

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, militarism, police
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Collective Opposed to Police Brutality
Date: August, 2001

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Survival In Solitary

A manual written for and by people living in control units

Topics: fascism, militarism, police, prison
Authors: Anonymous
Editors: Bonnie Kerness, Holbrook Teter
Publisher: Quiver Press
Date: 2008

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Ten Days that Shook Iraq

Insie information from an uprising

Topics: colonialism, history, militarism
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Firestarter Press
Date: May, 2003

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The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand

Corporate Capitalism as a State-Guaranteed System of Privilege

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction, militarism, police
Authors: Kevin A Carson

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The Neoliberal Wars

Warfare has significantly changed in the last thirty years. From 1945 until about 1975 most wars were part of the worldwide movement of decolonisation that saw the formation of dozens of new states in Africa and Asia. Since then most wars have been civil wars within the decolonised countries, sometimes continuing directly from the national liberation war as competing factions fought over the prize of the new state as in Angola. While these wars all have their own proximate causes rooted in particular histories certain similarities can be discerned. These essays examine those similarities

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, colonialism, history, militarism
Authors: Melancholic Troglodytes, Silvia Federici, Ta Pedia Tis Galerias, Undercurrent, Wildcat
Publisher: Treason Press

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The New State Repression

Today's political repression differs fundamentally from the repression practiced around the world in the past. The most basic difference is on the level of stragy--the general approach of the state, the outlook of the ruling class. Their belief is that insurgency is not an occasional, erratic idiosyncrasy but a constant occurrence--permanent insurgency, which calls for a strategy of permanent repression as the full-time task of the security forces.

Topics: introduction, militarism, police, protests, surveillance
Authors: Ken Lawrence, Kristian Williams
Publisher: Tarantula Publishing and Distribution
Date: 2006

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The Roots of War in Iraq

Topics: capitalism, colonialism, history, militarism
Authors: Giorgio Paolucci
Publisher: Internationalist Worker's Group
Date: February, 2005

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The War in Yugoslavia

Topics: anarchism, history, militarism
Authors: Massimo De Angelis, Silvia Federici

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The Wilhelms Haven Revolt

A chapter of the revolutionart movement in the german nacy, 1918-1919

Topics: anarchism, class, history, militarism
Authors: Icarus (Ernest Schneider)
Publisher: Simian
Date: 1975

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War (Berkman)

The game of patriotism. Whom do you protect when you go to war? Your love of home and country exploited to make profits. Does war develop personal courage? Modern war cowardly. Why it requires more bravery to refuse obedience than to obey. The conscientious objector needs courage. How the people of the United States were tricked into the World War by a President elected to keep them out of war. Your patriotism coined into money.

Topics: anarchism, militarism
Authors: Alexaner Berkman
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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Warfare, Genocide, and Extinction

The real cost of modern conveniences

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, health, introduction, militarism, sustainability
Authors: Shane Schellhass
Publisher: Candlelight Distro
Date: 2006, 2009

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Which War

A one-shot publication of social reconnaissance

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, militarism
Authors: Wolfi Landstreicher
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Publications
Date: Winter, 2003-2004

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Work, Community, Politics, War

A comic discussing the intersections of capitalism, democracy, military, and social class

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, democracy, introduction, militarism
Authors: Anonymous