a free society of free people is possible.

This is a portable digital archive of literature and posters that preserve and promote a culture of autonomy, cooperation, common ownership, direct action, mutual aid, and voluntary association with the aims of building a society free from rulership, exploitation, censorship, coercion, hierarchy, fascism, and oppression.

The materials in these collections are laid out for printing double-sided and binding into booklets for distribution. In order to read them on your screen, you'll need to follow the zig-zag pattern to the right. Start on the right-hand side of page 1, then read the left-hand side of page 2, then back and forth until you reach the end. At the end, switch, and move page by page back towards the beginning.

Download a full copy of these archives for offline distribution. To submit content to these archives, email it to or fork the generator repository, add your content, and send the maintainers a pull request.

Below are some introductary resources; select a topic to the right for more in-depth materials.

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15 Post-Primitivist Theses

The culture and infrastructure of our rigid, cancerous, and sedentary civilization is rotten to the core, but 'technology' is not one monolithic thing. Collapse is neither inevitable nor desirable, and the root causes responsible for technological development--our creativity and inquiry--are both inextricably tied to liberation.

Topics: anarchism, introduction, theory, transhumanism
Authors: William Gillis
Date: 2006

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A Cyborg Manifesto - Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism

In 'A Cyborg Manifesto', Donna Haraway criticizes traditional notions of feminism, particularly its emphasis on identity, rather than affinity. She explores the potential of the cyborg concept in order to construct a postmodern feminism that moves beyond dualisms and the limitations of traditional gender, feminism, and politics.

Topics: anarchism, feminism, introduction, lgbtiq, transhumanism
Authors: Donna Haraway

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A New Poetry

The same people who are murdered slowly in the mechanized slaughterhouses of work are also arguing, singing, drinking, dancing, making love, holding the streets, picking up weapons, and inventing a new poetry.

Topics: art, introduction, posters
Authors: Anonymous

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Alternatives to Police

A guide to building a world without police, in which communities function and thrive without the intervention of the heavy and often deadly hand of the State

Topics: anarchism, introduction, militarism, prisons
Authors: Anonymous
Editors: Missy Rohs, Emily-Jane Dawson
Publisher: Rose City Copwatch, P.O. Box 12353, Portland, OR 97202
Date: 2008

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An Activist's Guide to Basic First Aid

An introductory guide to health care on the ground at political demonstrations: what to bring, what to do, and what not to do

Topics: health, introduction, protests
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Black Cross Collective

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Anarcha-Feminism, what it is, why it's important, affinity groups, organizing, history, and resources

Topics: anarchism, feminism, gender, history, introduction
Authors: Anonymous
Date: 2001

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Anarcho-Transhumanism: Primer and Frequently Asked Questions

A collaborative summary of the intersections betweeen anarchism and transhumanism, touching on direct action, climate change, veganism, communism, and accelarationism.

Topics: anarchism, introduction, transhumanism
Authors: Anonymous

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Behind Our Masks We Are You

We want the things you want, but today, not tomorrow. We think the things you think, but we act on them, too. We run the same risks you run, but we'll be damned if we'll run them for nothing.

Topics: anarchism, art, direct-action, introduction, posters
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc

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A DIY Guide to Creating Spaces, Hosting Events, and Fostering Radical Communities

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, introduction
Authors: Neil Campau
Date: 2012

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COINTELPRO was the FBI's secret program to undermine the popular upsurge which swept the country during the 1960s. Though the name stands for 'Counterintelligence Program,' the targets were not enemy spies. The FBI set out to eliminate 'radical' political opposition inside the US. When traditional modes of repression (exposure, blatant harassment, and prosecution for political crimes) failed to counter the growing insurgency, and even helped to fuel it, the Bureau took the law into its own hands and secretly used fraud and force to sabotage constutionally prorected political activity.

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, history, introduction
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Unidentified Anarchist Publishing

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Consent or Coercion: An Introduction to Anarchism

A guide to voluntary cooperation to meet everyone’s needs, without bosses or rulers, and without sacrificing individual liberties.

Topics: anarchism, consent, feminism, introduction
Authors: Ed Stamm, others
Date: 2005

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Direct Action Survival Guide

Tools to master when considering direct actions. This guide covers affinity groups, personal and group health, police and jail questions, first aid, and preparation.

Topics: direct-action, health, introduction, protests, surveillance
Authors: Scott Weinstein
Date: 2003

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Excited Delirium

A protestor's guide to less-lethal police weaponry including an introduction to taser-proof jackets. Covers stun guns, tasers, stingers, stun shields, CS gas, CN gas, CR gas, pepper spray, riot guns, sprays, rubber balls, baton rounds, pepperballs, flash bangs, batons, pain rays, LRADs, water cannons, electrified water cannons, dazzlers, and incapacitators.

Topics: direct-action, introduction, militarism, protests
Authors: Anonymous

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Anarchism in a nutshell

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, introduction
Authors: Anonymous

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Forget Shorter Showers

Why personal change does not equal political change

Topics: capitalism, introduction, sustainability
Authors: Derrick Jensen
Publisher: A New World In Our Hearts Distro
Date: 2009

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Learning Good Consent

Topics: anarchism, consent, health, introduction, relationships
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Riotgrrr Press

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March Hare Communication Security Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps needed to encrypt your laptop, phone, email, web browsing, and text messages, by activists, for activists.

Topics: introduction, protests, surveillance
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: March Hare Communications Collective
Date: December 2016

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Markets Not Capitalism - An Introduction

An introduction to Market Anarchism, a theory of exchange based on individual agency and interaction rather than socio-economic privilege.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction, theory
Authors: Charles W. Johnson, Gary Chartier
Publisher: Center for a Stateless Society

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No Authority But Oneself

The Anarchist Feminist Philosophy of Autonomy and Freedom

Topics: anarchism, feminism, introduction
Authors: Sharon Presley
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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No Masters

Hierarchy is a value system in which your worth measured by the number of people and things you control, and how well you obey those above you. Hierarchy undermines freedom.

Topics: anarchism, introduction, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc

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On Power - A Collection of Essays by William Gillis

An analysis of power as capacity, power as control, and the boundaries between the two

Topics: anarchism, introduction, theory
Authors: William Gillis

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Organizations versus Getting Shit Done

It's one thing to 'organize,' it's another to form an organization. For over a decade, post-leftists have criticized the organization in unflinching terms. The response has been muted. Everyone knows organizations are problematic, but nowhere are the terms clear. In this essay, William Gillis breaks down the often unspoken utility of organizations, their inherent nature, as well as their dangers and limitations.

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, introduction, relationships
Authors: William Gillis

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Science As Radicalism

Topics: anarchism, introduction, theory, transhumanism
Authors: William Gillis
Date: 2015

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Self as Other

Reflections on Self Care

Topics: anarchism, health, introduction, protests
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc

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Society of the Spectacle

Self-emancipation in our time is emancipation from the material bases of an inverted truth. This 'historic mission to establish truth in the world' can be carried out neither by the isolated individual nor by atomized and manipulated masses, but — only and always — by that class which is able to effect the dissolution of all classes, subjecting all power to the disalienating form of a realized democracy — to councils in which practical theory exercises control over itself and surveys its own action. It cannot be carried out, in other words, until individuals are 'directly bound to universal history'; until dialogue has taken up arms to impose its own conditions upon the world.

Topics: anarchism, introduction, media, theory
Authors: Guy Debord
Publisher: The Institute for Experimental Freedom
Date: 1994

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A Guide To Walking Out

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, introduction, protests
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Solidarity Federation

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The Call

The youth are waiting, day after day. They wait for their time; as do the workers, even the old. They all ways, those who are discontented and who reflect. They are waiting for a force to arise, something they will be part of; a kind of new international that will not make the same mistakes as the previous ones. They wait for a chance to get rid of the past once and for all--for something new to begin. We have begun.

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, introduction, protests, theory
Authors: The Invisible Committee
Editors: Liam Sionnach
Publisher: The institute for experimental freedom
Date: December, 2007

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The Coming Insurrection

The goal of any insurrection is to become irreversible. It becomes irreversible when you’ve defeated both authority and the need for authority, property and the taste for appropriation, hegemony and the desire for hegemony. That is why the insurrectionary process carries within itself the form of its victory, or that of its defeat. Destruction has never been enough to make things irreversible.

Topics: anarchism, introduction, theory
Authors: The Invisible Committee

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The Commune of Paris

The original English version appeared as Freedom Pamphlets, no. 2, London: W. Reeves, 1895, based on the original French version published in Le Révolté, March 20, 1880.

Topics: anarchism, history, introduction
Authors: Peter Kropotkin
Publisher: Pirate Press Cascadia

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The Inefficiency of Capitalism

Instead of engaging in the usual moralistic leftist critique of capitalism, this pamphlet tackles the subject head on, on its own turf--economics--and demolishes the common belief that 'capitalism delivers the goods.' Brian Sheppard does this through close consideration of 10 of the most outstanding inefficiencies of capitalism--things such as manufacture of false desires, product duplication, waste of unsold goods, and the inefficiency of hierarchies. Through this analysis, Sheppard shows that, given the labor and resources at hand, capitalism is a horribly wasteful system tha tproduces a piticully small amount of useful goods and services.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction
Authors: Brian Oliver Sheppard
Publisher: See Sharp Press
Date: 2003

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The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand

Corporate Capitalism as a State-Guaranteed System of Privilege

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction, militarism, police
Authors: Kevin A Carson

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The Most Beautiful Word in the English Language is Resist

Poems by Ellen Marie Hinchcliffe. It is the sacred duty of every artist not to give up hope.

Topics: art, introduction
Authors: Ellen Marie Hinchcliffe
Date: December, 2002

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The New State Repression

Today's political repression differs fundamentally from the repression practiced around the world in the past. The most basic difference is on the level of stragy--the general approach of the state, the outlook of the ruling class. Their belief is that insurgency is not an occasional, erratic idiosyncrasy but a constant occurrence--permanent insurgency, which calls for a strategy of permanent repression as the full-time task of the security forces.

Topics: introduction, militarism, police, protests, surveillance
Authors: Ken Lawrence, Kristian Williams
Publisher: Tarantula Publishing and Distribution
Date: 2006

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The Party's Over - Beyond Democracy

The paths beyond democracy, fascism, socialism, and capitalism that lead to direct action, consensus, autonomy, and freedom

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, introduction
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc

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The Power of the Powerless

An essay that fueled the removal of Stalinist rule in Czechoslovakia and had a profound impact on the rest of Eastern Europe as well

Topics: colonialism, direct-action, fascism, history, introduction, theory
Authors: Vaclav Havel
Date: 1978

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The Revolution Starts at Home

Confronting partner abuse in activist communities

Topics: consent, introduction, privilege, relationships
Authors: Alisa Bierria, Ana Lara, Anida Ali, Bran Fenner, BrokenBeautiful Press, Ching-In Chen, Eboni Colbert, Emily Stern, Gina de Vries, Jai Dulani, Jill Aguado, Karen Lee Asherah, Kay Barrett, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarahinha, Onion Carrillo, Peggy Munson, Sarwat Rumi, Shale Moulana, The Northwest Network, Theryn Kignamasud'Vashti, Timothy Colman, Vanessa Huang, Xandra Ibarra, Ziggy Ponting
Editors: Ching-in Chen, Dulani, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarahinha
Publisher: Communities Atainst Rape and Abuse

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The Shock of Victory

The biggest problem facing direct action movements is that we don't know how to handle victory.

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, introduction, protests, theory
Authors: David Graeber

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The World in True Colors

It is often said that Anarchists live in a world of dreams to come, and do not see th things which happen today. We do see them only too well, and in their true colors, and that is what makes us carry the hatchet into the forest of prejudice that besets us.

Topics: art, introduction, posters
Authors: Anonymous

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Two Roads

There are only two roads: victory for the working class, freedom, or victory for the fascists which means tyranny. Both combatants know what's in store for the loser.

Topics: anarchism, introduction, posters, posters
Authors: Anonymous

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Understanding Patriarchy

Topics: anarchism, feminism, gender, introduction, lgbtiq
Authors: Bell Hooks
Publisher: Louisville Anarchist Federation Federation

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Voting vs Direct Action

A short guide to direct actions that can have a great impact than those that leverage illusions of power through democracy and voting.

Topics: anarchism, democracy, direct-action, introduction
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc
Date: 2004

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Warfare, Genocide, and Extinction

The real cost of modern conveniences

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, health, introduction, militarism, sustainability
Authors: Shane Schellhass
Publisher: Candlelight Distro
Date: 2006, 2009

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We Are All Survivors, We Are All Perpetrators

What to do when someone tells you that you violated their boundaries, made them feel uncomfortable, or committed assault

Topics: consent, introduction, relationships
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Rolling Thunder #1, Philly's Pissed

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We Demand Nothing

From China to Paris, Australia to Athens, New York to San Francisco, Johann Kaspar explains why revolts worldwide have increasingly given up on the desire to demand something.

Topics: anarchism, direct-action, introduction
Authors: Johann Kaspar
Publisher: The Institute for Experimental Freedom

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Welcome To The Future

Essays on Climate Change

Topics: colonialism, introduction, sustainability
Authors: Peter Gelderloos
Publisher: Rise Like Lions

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Work, Community, Politics, War

A comic discussing the intersections of capitalism, democracy, military, and social class

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, democracy, introduction, militarism
Authors: Anonymous

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A Politics for Alienation, A collective of six lays out an audacious vision of positive freedom. Where technoscience and rationalism are seized and reconstituted as weapons for resistance, wehere the sedentary morass of modern moralistic identity politics is shed off * essentialist naturalism is exorcised.

Topics: anarchism, feminism, introduction
Authors: Laboria Cuboniks