
Capitalism is the toxic economic illusion of property and its exploitation for private gain at social expense. Power derives from the ability to stop production.

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3 Positions Against Prisons

There are no political prisoners, only prisoners of war. There is no prison, only imprisonment. Prison cannot be abolished, only destroyed.

Topics: capitalism, democracy, prisons
Authors: August O'Clairre'
Publisher: NC Piece Corps

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A New World

The text of this pamphlet is taken from the book Unfinished Business: the Politics of Class War by the Class War Federation.

Topics: capitalism, democracy
Authors: The Class War Federation
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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A Rebel Worker's Organizing Handbook

A set of tips and advice guides for organising in your workplace. From basic principles and getting started to making demands, taking action.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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Abolish Restaurants

A worker's critique of the food service industry.

Topics: capitalism
Authors: Anonymous

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Accomplices Not Allies - Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex, An Indigenous Perspective

The ally industrial complex has been established by activists whose careers depend on the 'issues' they work to address. These nonprofit capitalists advance their careers off the struggles they ostensibly support. While the exploitation of solidarity and support is nothing new, the commodification and exploitation of allyship is a growing trend in the activism industry.

Don't wait around for anyone to proclaim you to be an accomplice, you certainly cannot proclaim it yourself. You just are or you are not. The lines of oppression are already drawn.

Topics: capitalism, colonialism, direct-action, indigenous
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Indigenous Action Media
Date: 5/02/2014

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Anarchism, Marxism, and Hope for the Future

In a special interview done for Red and Black Revolution, Chomsky gives his views on anarchism and marxism, an the prospects for socialism now.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, history
Authors: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: Anarchist Prisoner's Legal Aid Network
Date: 2005

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Anarchist Agitation and Community Building

The ideas presented in this essay are not all-encompassing, but are intended as a starting point from which to move the principles of anarchism, and par- ticularly anarchist-communism, out of the theoretical realm and into the reality today of the working-class struggle against the exploitative system of capitalism and the State that defends it.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action
Authors: Ronald A. Young
Publisher: Zabalaza Books
Date: September 1, 2001

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Aufheben - Class Re-composition in Argentina

This pamphlet was produced to make available information about the massive working class revolts in Argentina in 2001-2. These struggles were probably the most important action of the global proletariat in recent years. In time what happened in Argentina will come to be seen as an event of similar importance to May 1968 in France when 10 million workers went on wildcat strike for three weeks.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, history
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Treason Press
Date: 2006

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BAD Press

Tracts in Individualist Anarchism: the Best Of 1986-1999.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, theory
Authors: Anonymous

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Basic Bakunin

The aim of this pamphlet is to do nothing more than present an outline of what the author thinks are the key features of Mikhail Bakunin's anarchist ideas. Bakunin was extremely influential in the 19th century socialist move- ment, yet his ideas for decades have been reviled, distorted or ignored. On reading this pamphlet, it will become apparent that Bakunin has a lot to offer and that his ideas are not at all confused (as some writers would have us think) but make up a full coherent and well argued body of thought.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, democracy, history, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Anarchist Federation
Date: 2007

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Capitalism - A Very Special Delirium

Underneath all reason lies delirium, drift.

Topics: capitalism, theory
Authors: Felix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze
Publisher: Petroleuse Press

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Confronting Empire

Analysis of contemporary capitalism and ways to fight it in the U.S.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, direct-action
Authors: Anonymous

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Creating Radical Change

Challenging the Mainstream Gay Agenda: On Marriage, Militarism, and Hate Crime Laws

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, gender, lgbtiq, militarism
Authors: Anonymous
Editors: Bash Back Denver

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Crisis in California

Gifford Hartman takes us on a road trip through California’s Central Valley to witness the toxicity: of mortgages and ecosystems, houses, drugs and human relations.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, sustainability
Authors: Gifford Hartman
Date: January 2010

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Debt - The Possibilities Ignored

A critical examination of David Graeber’s book 'Debt: The First 5000 Years'

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: William Gillis
Publisher: Center for a Stateless Society

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Destroy the Prison Industrial Complex

When one door closes, another door opens

Topics: capitalism, posters, prison
Authors: Anonymous

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Dismantling the Master's House

This zine is an excerpt from The Housing Monster by, including two chapters on gender and work. You can find the full book free online, and many more lovely zines, at The bound book can be ordered through PM Press (, or, again, prole. info). We at hearts and fists distro have prepared this zine for your reading and printing pleasure; please freely redistribute.

Topics: capitalism, colonialism
Authors: Anonymous

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Enemies We Know

Enemies unite experiences that generate the environment of terror that makes up daily life under Empire

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, feminism, police
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: The Institute for Experimental Freedom

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Environmentalism has been Recycled

Notes on Capitalism and Ecology

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, sustainability
Authors: Sticks an Stones
Date: 2009

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Forget Shorter Showers

Why personal change does not equal political change

Topics: capitalism, introduction, sustainability
Authors: Derrick Jensen
Publisher: A New World In Our Hearts Distro
Date: 2009

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From Politics to Life - Ridding Anarchy of the Leftist Millstone

The struggle of the left does not grow out of the desires, needs, and dreams of the living individuals exploited, oppressed, dominated, and dispossessed by this society.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, theory
Authors: Wolfi Landstreicher
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Publications
Date: 2002

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Global War for the World Order

The articles in this pamphlet are all translations of articles originally written in German by the communist group Wildcat and deal with various aspects of the “War on Terror”. Despite the sometimes mediocre translations they are well worth making the effort to read because they are some of the best articles about capitalism’s current war spree available. The essence of the argument that runs through all these articles is that the capitalist world order is in crisis and in desperation the response is war, first against Afghanistan and then Iraq. The “War on Terror” is thus an expression of capitalist weakness not strength.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, militarism, theory
Authors: Wildcat
Publisher: Treason Press
Date: March 2, 2004
Sources:, http://wildcat-www.e/en/eindex.htm

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Government in the Future

Examining the role of the state in four constructions of present and future societies: classical liberal, libertarian socialist, state socialist, and state capitalist.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, fascism, theory
Authors: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: Ceros Press
Date: 1970

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Healthcare - A Crisis of Artificial Scarcity

In healthcare, subsidies to the most costly and high-tech forms of medicine crowd out cheaper and decentralized alternatives, so that cheaper forms of treatment--even when perfectly adequate from the consumer's standpoint--become less and less available. There are powerful institutional pressures for ever more radical monopoly. At the commanding heights of the centralized state and centralized corporate economy--so interlocked as to be barely distinguishable--problems are analyzed and solutions prescribed from the perspective of those who benefit from radical monopoly.

Topics: capitalism, democracy, health
Authors: Kevin Carson
Publisher: Center for a Stateless Society

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Industrial Domestication

Industry as the Origins of Modern Domination

Topics: anarchism, capitalism
Authors: Leopold Roc
Publisher: Quiver Distro

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Introduction to the Apocalypse

The apocalypse began with the advent of our current form of life based on industrial production. It is easy to assume that there is no alternative to this form of life, that the way we live in this present moment is simply a reflection of the way things are.

In times of crisis, a space of freedom returns, and the possibility of a rupture with the present opens. History, long banished to dreary scholastic books, returns to us fresh and alive. To push away that which is closest to us, our very form of life, and see it objectively – this might seem impossible. Yet it is not: the first step is to give our form of life a name, to identify it as something finite in time and space, so capable of ending. This perpetual present that has its only favor being the certainty of its own destruction has a name: capitalism

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, militarism, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: IEF Heart

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Iron Fist & Invisible Hand

Corporate Capitalism as a State-Guaranteed System of Privilege

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Kevin A. Carson

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Just Do It

Topics: capitalism, colonialism, posters
Authors: Anonymous

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Looking for Color in the Anti-War Movement

Seeing racism as a separate, secondary issue is an old problem in the U.S. peace movement, which does not al- ways realize that it must be anti-racist as well as anti-war. Today, with the ‘Permanent War’ becoming all too perma- nent, that realization is all the more crucial. Do people really think the expanding U.S. empire will be stopped by white folks alone?

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, race
Authors: Elizabeth 'Betita' Martinez
Publisher: Colours of Resistance

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Making Sense of the Situationists

The SI [Situationist International] must be counted as a basic reference point for any future revolutionary movement. The SIʼs powerful critique of the revolutionary herself may have degenerated in the period of counter-revolution into a dead-end addiction to navel-gazing; but this cannot obscure the continued necessity of engaging with their arguments. Despite the attention the SI receives, and the attempts over the years by various toss-pots to claim them for modern art or cultural studies, the SI remains in some sense irrecuperable.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, theory
Authors: Gilles Dauvé, Louis Michaelson

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Markets Not Capitalism - An Introduction

An introduction to Market Anarchism, a theory of exchange based on individual agency and interaction rather than socio-economic privilege.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction, theory
Authors: Charles W. Johnson, Gary Chartier
Publisher: Center for a Stateless Society

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Miner Conflicts, Major Contradictions

A history of the 1984-1985 British Miner's Strike

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, history
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: One Thousand Emotions
Date: 2006

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Neither Their War Nor Their Peace

Anarchist opposition to war is not a pacifist refusal of violence. Rather it is a refusal of militarism-of that system of social relationships founded on hierarchy, obedience, the dismantling of the individual, the quantified perception of the other that allows for indiscriminate killing and the description of those killed as a body count.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, colonialism, militarism, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: After the Fall Distribution and Press

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Never Work

When Guy Debord of the Situationist International graffitied the slogan 'Never Work!' onto the walls of a Parisian street in 1953, he struck a blow in solidarity with the radical current of left communism which locates the wage-labour relation as the central pillar of capitalist relations and therefore the prime lo- cus of attack. It is, of course, a banality that we need to work in order to produce for our basic needs. But what is at question here is the naure of that work, for whom, andto what end? Useful work? Or useless toil?

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Karen Elliot
Publisher: Active Distribution
Date: 1982

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Nihilist Communism

Cruelty or the Inclusion of the Distributive Sphere

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Monsieur Dupont
Publisher: Some Delinquents

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Privilege, Oppression, and Resistance

A chart summarizing the relationships between a variety of types of privilege

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, feminism, gender, indigenous, lgbtiq, parenting, posters, privilege, race, relationships
Authors: Anonymous

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Remember the Dead, and Fight Like Hell for the Living

A Story of May Day

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, history
Authors: Llowell Thomas
Publisher: Kansas Mutual Aid Collective
Date: May Day, 2002

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Resistance, Crisis, Transformation

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, militarism, theory
Authors: Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt

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Socialist Ends Market Means

'Framing Left Libertarianism: A First Pass', 'The Left in Left Libertarian', 'Socialism' for Left Liberty', 'Socialism Revisited','State Socialism and Anarchism: How Far They Agree and Wherein They Differ Regarding Health-Care Reform'

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Gary Chartier

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A Guide To Walking Out

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, introduction, protests
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Solidarity Federation

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Superprisons in Canada

What they are and how to stop them

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, prisons
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: End the Prison Industrial Complex
Date: February, 2010

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The Abolition of Work

With 'Primitive Affluence: A Postscript to Sahlins'' and 'Technophilia, An Infantile Disorder'

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, theory
Authors: Bob Black
Publisher: Wormwood
Date: 2009

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The Art and Science of Billboard Improvement

A Comprehensive Guide to the Alteration of Outdoor Advertising

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: The Billboard Liberation Front

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The Art of Rent

Globalization, monopoly, and the commodification of culture

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: David Harvey

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The Bosses Need Us, We Don't Need Them

Common-sense reasons for worker self-management

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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The Continuing Appeal of Nationalism

Nationalism was so perfectly suited to its double task, the domestication of workers and the despoliation of aliens, that it appealed to everyone - everyone, that is, who wielded or aspired to wield a portion of capital.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, fascism
Authors: Freddy Perlman
Date: 1984

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The DIY Occupation Guide

Topics: capitalism, direct-action, squatting
Authors: Anonymous
Date: 2012

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The Debt Resistor's Operations Manual

Topics: capitalism
Authors: Anonymous
Editors: Strikedebt, Occupy Wall Street
Date: 2012

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The Democratic Mystification

The proletariat’s assault on the citadels of capital only has a chance of success on condition that the proletarian revolutionary movement finishes with democracy once and for all. Democracy is the last refuge of all disavowals and betrayals, because it is the first hope of those who believe in purifying and re-invigorating the current movement which is rotten to its core.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, fascism, theort
Authors: Jacques Camatte
Publisher: Some Delinquents

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The Economy is in Crisis, May it Die

A free market perspective

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, theory
Authors: Kevin A Carson

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The Housing Monster

The Housing Monster takes one seemingly simple everyday thing—a house—and looks at the social relations that surround and determine it. Starting with the construction site and the physical building of houses, the book slowly builds and links more and more issues together: from gentri cation and city politics to gender roles and identity politics, from subcontracting and speculation to union contracts and negotiation, from intensely personal thoughts and interactions to large-scale political and economic forces. What starts as a look at housing questions, broadens into a critique of capitalism as a whole. The text is accompanied by clean black and white illustrations that are mocking, beautiful, and bleak.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, squatting
Authors: Anonymous

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The Inefficiency of Capitalism

Instead of engaging in the usual moralistic leftist critique of capitalism, this pamphlet tackles the subject head on, on its own turf--economics--and demolishes the common belief that 'capitalism delivers the goods.' Brian Sheppard does this through close consideration of 10 of the most outstanding inefficiencies of capitalism--things such as manufacture of false desires, product duplication, waste of unsold goods, and the inefficiency of hierarchies. Through this analysis, Sheppard shows that, given the labor and resources at hand, capitalism is a horribly wasteful system tha tproduces a piticully small amount of useful goods and services.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction
Authors: Brian Oliver Sheppard
Publisher: See Sharp Press
Date: 2003

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The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand

Corporate Capitalism as a State-Guaranteed System of Privilege

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, introduction, militarism, police
Authors: Kevin A Carson

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The Neoliberal Wars

Warfare has significantly changed in the last thirty years. From 1945 until about 1975 most wars were part of the worldwide movement of decolonisation that saw the formation of dozens of new states in Africa and Asia. Since then most wars have been civil wars within the decolonised countries, sometimes continuing directly from the national liberation war as competing factions fought over the prize of the new state as in Angola. While these wars all have their own proximate causes rooted in particular histories certain similarities can be discerned. These essays examine those similarities

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, colonialism, history, militarism
Authors: Melancholic Troglodytes, Silvia Federici, Ta Pedia Tis Galerias, Undercurrent, Wildcat
Publisher: Treason Press

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The Network of Domination

Anarchist Analyses of the Institutions, Structures and Systems of Domination and Exploitation to be Debated, Developed and Acted Upon

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, media, prisons
Authors: Wolfi Landstreicher
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Publications

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The New Face of Liberation

Indigenous Rebellion, State Repression, and the Reality of the Fourth World

Topics: capitalism, colonialism, indigenous
Authors: Ward Churchill
Publisher: Ocotillo Anarchist Press
Date: 2004

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The Party's Over - Beyond Democracy

The paths beyond democracy, fascism, socialism, and capitalism that lead to direct action, consensus, autonomy, and freedom

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, introduction
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc

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The Really Really Free Market

Instituting the Gift Economy. There's no such thing as a free lunch under capitalism. For anarchists, there's no other kind.

Topics: capitalism, direct-action, sustainability
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Irvine Radical Infoshop

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The Rebellion in Los Angeles

The context of a proletarian Uprising

Topics: capitalism, class, history, race
Authors: Aufheben Group
Publisher: Quiver Distro
Date: 2001

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The Reproduction of Daily Life

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Freddy Perlman
Publisher: Untorelli Press

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The Revolutionary Ideas of Bakunin

Building upon the federalist and libertarian socialist ideas of his friend Pierre- Joseph Proudhon as well as those in the European labour movement, Bakunin shaped anarchism into its modern form. His revolutionary, class struggle based anarchism soon became the dominant form of anarchism in the First International. He combated the state socialism of Marx and Engels and laid the foundations for both communist-anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism. His predictions about Marxism have been confirmed and his critique of capitalism, the state and religion are just as valid as when they were first expounded. Both the Russian and Spanish revolutions have confirmed the power of his ideas on revolution.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, theory
Authors: Iain McKay
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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The Revolutionary Pleasure of Thinking For Yourself

This booket is for people who are dissatisfied with their lives. If you are happy with your present existence, we have no argument with you. However, if you are tired of waiting for your life to change, then we think you'll find what follows to be quite handy.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, gender, lgbtiq, media
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: See Sharp Press

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The Role of Revolutionary Organization in Class Struggle

A South African Anarchist Pamphlet

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, direct-action
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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The Roots of War in Iraq

Topics: capitalism, colonialism, history, militarism
Authors: Giorgio Paolucci
Publisher: Internationalist Worker's Group
Date: February, 2005

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The Seattle General Strike of 1919

From coast to coast went the report that a revolution was imminent in Seattle. A General Strike had been called in sympathy with the shipyard workers, and no one knew what would come of it. Both before and after the strike, government officials in Washington and other prominent persons, declared that Bolshevism had attempted to make its first appearance in the Northwest.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, history
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Pirate Press International
Date: 2002

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The Tragedy of Spain

In this year we commemorated the uprising of the Spanish people against the Fascist powers, who, in collaboration with the Catholic Church and the military, were preparing the overthrow of the Spanish republic in 1936. This pamphlet deals with the resistance by the independent labour movement led by the CNT-FAI and with the attacks directed against them by, among others, Stalinists, which eventually led to Franco’s army seizing power.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, fascism, history
Authors: Rudolf Rocker
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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The Undesirables

The passing of one generation will be sufficient for making precariousness the most widespread social condition. Thus we, the children of the industrial world, will find ourselves to be increas- ingly useless, in the same position, in fact, as the crowds of undesirables that landed on our shores.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Publications, Elephant Editions, Quiver Distro

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The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a Capitalist Society

Topics: capitalism, history, theory
Authors: Raya Dunayevskaya (Freddie James)
Publisher: The Resident Editorial Board, News an Letters Committees
Date: February 20, 1941

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The Voltairine de Cleyre Reader

Born into poverty and plagued by it her entire life, educated by nuns in a convent school, chronically ill, the survivor of a nearly successful assassination attempt, and dead at a tragically early age, Voltairine de Cleyre doesn't seem a likely candidate to become what Paul Avrich called 'a greater literary talent than any other American anarchist.' But de Cleyre was undeniably one of the most important anarchist thinkers in the US or any other country. Greatly admired by her contemporaries for her brilliant writing and tireless schedule of public speaking, her ability to approach the most complex issues with a mixture of common sense, passion, and clarity makes her works as relevant today as they were a century ago.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, feminism, history, relationships
Authors: Criss Crass, Sara Baase, Sharon Presley, Voltairine de Cleyre
Publisher: AK Press
Date: 2004

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The Wage System

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, theory
Authors: Peter Kropotkin
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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The Wandering of Humanity

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, theory
Authors: Jaques Camatte
Publisher: Wormwood Distro
Date: 2009

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The Watts Riot, 1965

The decline and fall of the spectacle-commodity economy

Topics: capitalism, class, direct-action, history, race
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Firestarter Press
Date: 2003

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Theses on the Imaginary Party

e moral and political signi cance of thought only appears in those rare moments of history where 'Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world;; where 'The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity;. In these crucial moments, thought ceases to be a marginal a air to political questions. When the whole world lets itself be carried away without thinking by what the many do and believe, those who think nd themselves exposed, because their refusal to join with others is patent and becomes thus a sort of action.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, media
Authors: Hannah Arendt
Publisher: Tiqqun

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To the Wanderers

On the current uprooting of the disposessed. To the Wanderers is a text put together by some Italian comrades and the details about detention centers and immigration laws refer to the situation in Italy, but the conditions under which undocumented aliens are forced to live and the universal uprooting of which these conditions and this forced wandering are a symptom are universal. I think this text provides an important analysis for all of us who are seeking to take back the capacity to determine our lives.

Topics: capitalism, class, history
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Productions

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Towards a Cure

Radical health reform from the bottom up. The healthcare system, upon which people in Ireland depend, is an apartheid system. Simply put, some lives are worth more than others. Rare attempts at reform have been stymied by historic, chronic underspending and vested interests. This legacy has forced the vast majority of working people to take out private health insurance and has laid the foundations for a neo-liberal push towards an American-style system of private, for-pro t medicine.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, health
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Worker's Solidarity Movement

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Transformation Tribe

A global journey of whole body wellness, art, and creativity

Topics: art, capitalism, health, sustainability
Authors: Amy Rachelle, Billy, Bones, Erica, Josiah, Rani Karnik, Tribe, Zito
Date: Autumn, 2007

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Transhumanist Socialism

The Long-Term Socioeconomic Effects of Advanced Molecular Nanotechnology

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, transhumanism
Authors: Anonymous

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Tricks of the Tradeless

Interviews with the gainfully unemployed

Topics: anarchism, capitalism
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Overground Distribution

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Voices of Resistance from Occupied London

Anarchist Quarterly Journal of Theory an ACtion from the British Capital After the Empire, Issue One

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, media, periodicals, surveillance
Authors: Alesso L, Autonis V, Dimitris D, Fani T, Franco Berardi, James Horrox, Jean Baudrillard, Mike Davis, Rikki
Publisher: Footprint Worker's Cooperative
Date: Spring, 2007

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War (Kropotkin)

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, history, mimlitarism
Authors: Peter Kropotkin
Publisher: Zabalaza Books

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Warfare, Genocide, and Extinction

The real cost of modern conveniences

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, health, introduction, militarism, sustainability
Authors: Shane Schellhass
Publisher: Candlelight Distro
Date: 2006, 2009

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We All Want Satisfaction

Imagine insurrection being an immediate break from the lives we were told we were supposed to have. Imagine that insurrection is an opportunity for such a break to become permanent. The state wants us to play politics, the economy wants us to play the game of survival; our lives are not games, we need to stop playing now.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, media, police
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: The Chicago Branch of the Imaginary Party
Date: Summer, 2009

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We Want the Whole Fucking Bakery

Bread? We want the whole fucking bakery.

Topics: capitalism, posters
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: CrimethInc

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What's 'Aappen to South Africa

Defiance of Apartheid, Neoliberalism, and recuperations of defiance

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, colonialism, history, race
Authors: Endangered Phoenix, Norman Abraham, Sam Thompson, Sam Thompson, Selby Semela
Publisher: One Thousand Emotions
Date: March, 2006

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Where is the Festival

Notes on Summits and Counter-Summits

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Anonymous
Publisher: Active Distribution
Date: 2005

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Which War

A one-shot publication of social reconnaissance

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, militarism
Authors: Wolfi Landstreicher
Publisher: Venomous Butterfly Publications
Date: Winter, 2003-2004

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Work eats up our lives. It dominates every aspect of our existence. When weʼre not at the job weʼre travelling to or from it, preparing or recovering from it, trying to forget about it or attempting to escape from it in what is laughably called our ʻleisureʼ time. Work is a truly offensive four-letter word.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism
Authors: Anarchist Federation (UK)

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Work, Community, Politics, War

A comic discussing the intersections of capitalism, democracy, military, and social class

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, class, democracy, introduction, militarism
Authors: Anonymous

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Worker's Autonomy

'After Marx, Autonomy', 'Workers Autonomy: Surpassing Trade Unionism', 'Workers Councils, Self-Management, and Developments in Proletarian Autonomy', and 'Autonomous Movement of the Turin'

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, theory
Authors: Alfredo M. Bonanno, Kronstadt Editions, Railway Workers
Publisher: Old Mole Literature Distribution

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Worker-Student Action Committees

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, direct-action, history, schooling
Authors: Freddy Perlman, Roger Gregoire
Date: May, 1968

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You Call This Freedom

In this pamphlet, Chaz Bufe looks closely at the common belief that the United States is a 'free country,' comparing rhetoric with reality. He considers common conceptions of freedom, why so few 'freedom loving Americans' actually have any understanding of freeom, and why so few have any respect for it. Bufe traces this lack of understanding and lack of respect to the various American institutions of the public. He concludes by examining the nature of freedom, especially aspects of it which are never mentioned in 'the miseducation system' or the corporate media.

Topics: anarchism, capitalism, democracy, media, surveillance, theory
Authors: Chaz Bufe
Publisher: See Sharp Press
Date: 2004